procurer|procurers in English


[pro'cur·er || prəʊ'kjʊrə(r) /prə'kjʊə-]

purchaser, buyer, one who acquires

Use "procurer|procurers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "procurer|procurers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "procurer|procurers", or refer to the context using the word "procurer|procurers" in the English Dictionary.

1. A procurer.

2. The practice or occupation of being a Bawd or procurer

3. Commonality has implications for procurers, designers, develop-ers, trainers, logisticians, and users

4. Bawd (Noun) A person who keeps a house of prostitution, or procures women for a lewd purpose; a procurer or procuress

5. Whether an accomplice is described as an aider, Abettor, counsellor, or procurer seems to depend partly on ordinary language, and partly on specific judicial decisions

6. A male procurer, or cock Bawd; also a small faggot used about London for lighting fires, named from introducing the fire to the coals

7. This Act specifies a penalty for a procurer, commercial sex supporter, owner, manager, supervisor in a commercial establishment, advertiser, parents, or guardians who knowingly allow women or children under their control to engage in sexual services, and the client who engages in sexual relation with children under 18 years of age.

8. L'Apiculture est une branche de l’agriculture qui consiste en l’élevage d’abeilles à miel pour exploiter les produits de la ruche, principalement du miel mais également la cire, la gelée royale, le pollen et la propolis, voire le venin d’abeille.L’apiculteur doit procurer au rucher un abri, des soins, et veiller sur son environnement